Can You Swim with Extensions - the Answer Is Here


When going to the beach, you are supposed to keep in mind some points for swimming underwater with your hair extensions. Let’s see what they are here:

Many people think that they have to take off their hair extensions before going swimming in the water. Because they are worried that their extension will come off or get distorted under the water.

It’s true that hair extensions can get damaged by steeping in the water for too long. Therefore, you need to take ways to protect and restore the hair extensions in order to keep it for use in the next swimming.

Can you go swimming with your hair extensions? The answer is Yes.  Knowing that is not enough, you still need to know 4 things as follows:  

  1. Whether you can swim with your hair extensions in salt, chlorinated, fresh or harsh water.
  2. The best types of hair extensions suitable for swimming.
  3. How to protect your hair extensions before taking a swim.
  4. How to maintain your hair extensions after swimming.

Then let’s talk about what type of water you can take a swim in.


Can You Swim with Extensions - the Answer Is Here | COOVIP



1. Types of Water You Can Take a Swim with Hair Extensions.

a. Is salt water suitable for swimming with hair extensions?

Salt water can cause damage to your hair although your skin and scalp can get profit from it. Therefore, you need to care for your hair whenever you take a swim in the salt water otherwise your hair gets hurt seriously.

The water content is important for your hair to grow flexible, gentle and moisturized. Your hair can suffer from dehydration just similar to your skin. This can cause damage to your hair.

Your hair loss hydration due to the salt in the saltwater with the nature of hygroscopicity. Then your hair will soon become dry, brittle with split ends.
After dying or chemical hair styling, your hair would get worse when soaked in saltwater. Because the oil protection on your hair runs off during the hair styling and suffers damage from the dehydration of saltwater.

If you insist on swimming in salt water, please don’t stay too long under the water for the sake of your hair’s health.

b. Is chlorinated water suitable for swimming with hair extensions?

Generally swimming pools are sterilized by chlorine for water quality, but this must do harm to your hair. Therefore, you have to take the right ways to care for your hair before or after swimming.

The higher the level of chlorine is, the more serious it can affect your hair. You can judge the levels of chlorine are quite high if the smell of chlorine influx to you from the pool. Then you’d better stay by the pool to think twice.

Too heavy chemicals in swimming pools can destroy your hair extensions like a nightmare. Without proper treatment, the hair must get into a mess and dull status. So, you need to take good care of your hair as traditionally.

Chlorine has a negative effect on your scalp and what’s worse can induce dandruff and rashes. If you often scratch your head, you may have your scalp and extensions suffered, leaving alone any dirty infections.

When your extensions are colored, you’d better not go swimming until one or two weeks later. T Otherwise, the chlorine can distort seriously with color, can even change the hair color to an undesirable tone. Who wants green hair?

c. Can you swim in the fresh water with hair extensions?

Freshwater should be the friendliest for your hair so far since it’s the least chemical. Freshwater contains less chemicals such as calcium and magnesium so your hair can grow healthy without too much chemical damage.

Do you think the water from your tap at home is completely freshwater? That is native to think that way.

Actually, we called that tap water “hard water” and it’s necessary to be careful when you deal with it.

d. Can you swim in the hard water?

Fresh water with high levels of minerals is called “hard water”. Hard water is surrounding us like the lake water and bath water.

It’s better to take good care of your hair after you take a shower because you never know what minerals are contained in your tap water at home.


Can You Swim with Extensions - the Answer Is Here | COOVIP



2. The Best Type of Hair Extension Suitable for Swimming

Nowadays you can find various hair extensions sold on the market and different types are adapted to the water at different levels. Here we will introduce several types of hair extensions and see how they respond to the water:

  • Bonded Hair Extensions These hair extensions are not recommended for swimming because they can get fragile and damage easier than other extensions under the water. If you insist on wearing them to swim, then you’d better tie them up (or take tips as follows).
  • Tape In Extensions - These hair extensions are acceptable for swimming if they are performed in the right way. COOVIP Hair Extensions are a perfect choice for you when you are perusing a type of Remy- hair extensions with medical quality at highest level
  • Braided Hair Extensions - These hair extensions act similar to other hair extensions when used under water. But you have to wash your hair and apply nutritional treatment instantly when you come out from the salt water or chemical water.
  • Micro Bead Hair Extensions - These hair extensions are also recommended for swimming only if you brush the extensions carefully after taking a swim.


Can You Swim with Extensions - the Answer Is Here | COOVIP



3. Is Synthetic Wig or Hair Extension Suitable for Swimming?

a. Synthetic hair and human hair react in different ways when they are both dipped into the water. Genuine human hair is easier to deal with after it’s wet in the pool water than artificial hair.

b. Synthetic hair can’t get in contact with water or it can be distorted very soon. To maintain your synthetic hair, you need to take precaution and try your best to keep it far from the water as possible as you can. Otherwise, you need to buy another new artificial hair no sooner or later.

c. Synthetic hair is easy to become tangled and disorder. The predicament will even get worse once it comes into water. Then you can recover your synthetic hair to normal easily.

Please keep in mind the following points when you insist on taking a swim with your artificial hair:

  • Be sure to detangle your hair before taking a swim
  • Confirm your wig is secured firmly on your head. You may drown sooner than your wig comes off at the pool.
  • Attach your wig nicely. Avoid using the shower cap because it tears your wig and makes a mess.


Can You Swim with Extensions - the Answer Is Here



4. How to Protect Your Hair Before You Swim

In order to protect your hair from damage of chemical contents of the water you have to apply the correct methods when you dip into the water.

We conclude 6 key points for protecting your hair before you take a dip:

  • Use hair conditioning before you swim. Add a refined conditioning product onto the end of your hair before taking a swim. It’s good for keeping your hair moisturized and from harmful components in the water.
  • Comb your hair from the top to the end smoothly before taking a dip. Knots or matting can be avoided by that. A nice brush yields twice the result with half the effort result. Make sure that your extensions are firmly held onto the root and don’t pull too harshly when combing your hair.
  • Make sure your hair extensions are tied up. It’s better to take a check before you dip into the water. Hold the hair extensions firmly once you find it loose. Or you need to look for your extensions in the pool.
  • Use elastic band to tie up your hair. To avoid tangling your hair while swimming, you should plait it into a braid. By the way you can have a sexy look with wavy hair when taking it out. Damp hair is so heavy to increase pressure on your extensions and cause damage. Binding your hair can help avoid that case.
  • You need to wash your hands completely before touching your hair. Many people apply sunscreen before taking a dip, but they don’t know the sunscreen material can get the extensions loose once in contact with the hairline. So clear sun lotion out from your hand before touching your extensions otherwise you need to search your extensions under the water.
  • Put on your swimming cap even if this makes you look rustic but it turns out to be an optimal way to keep your extensions from damage. Silicone swimming cap is suitable for people with long hair and keeps it free from water. Just to kindly remind that the cap size can fit your head exactly, not too tight.
  • No use of heat styling tools before dipping. Heating products can remove the natural oil from your hair so that your hair becomes weak after loss of oil protection.


Can You Swim with Extensions - the Answer Is Here



5. Important Tips to Protect Your Hair After You Take a Swim

We have 5 tips for you to protect your hair after swimming:

  • Wash your hair as quick as you can upon leaving the water. Longer waiting does no good to your hair since chemicals permeate into your hair during the stay. Please confirm that you use a non-sulfate shampoo.
  • Use hair conditioning on your extension. After your wet hair is totally clean, apply conditioner on it in order to keep the moisture inside and get your hair gentle and healthy.
  • Do hair mask. There’s no need to take a hair mask whenever you take a swim, but a hair mask plays an important role in keeping your hair and extension alive. If you have little budget on this, DIY hair mask is considerable. One key point you need to remember is to leave the hair mask as long as you can for optimal effect.
  • Comb your hair with detangling brush gently to smooth the hair. Since brushing wet hair does harm to your hair, we suggest you brush it after a period.
  • Blow up your hair at low-heat mode. Don’t leave your hair wet for more than 2 hours which does harm to your hair extensions.


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