How To Install K Tip Hair Extensions


Many people think that non-straight hair is equated as types of coils, kinks, curls and weaves. They are all curly hair with the same caring method. However, people who grow curly hair know the curly types between each other are different and it’s not simple to tell your curly type and come out an effective way for it.

Therefore, how can you tell you curl type? Once a hair professional put forward a set of curl typing principle used widely up to now and help to identify the hair type according to its texture. This principle classifies curly hair into four types with numbers from one to four. No.1 stands for straight hair and the other three for non-straight texture which is subcategorized from A to C. A means the widest diameter or pattern size, and C means the smallest. For instance, 1A stands for hair type as flat and thin as wire and must need the curling tool like the curling iron to make the big weave.

When you go to purchase hair styling products you need to consider quite a lot for a better styling look. In order to eliminate the annoyances in this process, it’s suggested to identify your curling types by consulting hair styling professionals.

Curls 101: How to Determine Your Hair Types (Curly Hair) | COOVIP

Curl Pattern Types

Curly hair is also described as textured hair with curling types from big weave to crimped coils. To name your curl type exactly, you need to check your scalp first to find out the condition of your hair follicles. Generally, the curly type has its follicles in oval shape and accordingly produces the curls. Meanwhile the straight hair has its round follicles work together and grow uniformly.

The proper time to check the shape of your follicles is when your hair is wet. The reason is that the wet hair can show its real shape after being pulled down by the water weight. Many people have more than one curly type. The hair on different areas of our head appears differently such as the hair on the front and side of your head shows frizzlier than that on the back of the neck.
Up to now we have learned some basic knowledge about curly hair then we can go ahead further. The following article will introduce more curl type hair and what hair styling product is proper for. 

Type 2

Hair type No.2 is assumed from smooth to matted, and from rough to wavy curls. The curly hair can be maintained but still easily become straighten.


Type 2A is a pattern with slightly curly hair which can get straightened easily by the hair straightener. Natural hair of this type is thin and curl from the root to the ends. If your hair is for this type, you can spray a little mousse or serums on hair to make it puffy so that your hair seems in big volume. Besides, rice water is also used to plump up and protect your hair. Cream or oil is not suitable as it can crush down your hair.


Type 2B is a flat pattern with Z-shaped curls beginning from the middle and thicker part than Type 2A. The hairstylist tells that the sea salted texture spray can help strengthen the natural effect.


Type 2C is a perming pattern with Z-shaped curls beginning from the root clearly. It’s necessary to provide the hair full of water, so sulfate-free shampoo is introduced to protect the natural oils and moisture from washing away.

Type 3

Type 3 is a pattern ranging from rampant curls to dense ringlets.


Type 3A is a pattern of big loose curls. The hair seems so weak that too much touching should be avoided to prevent frizz. When the hair is wet, use a curl cream product to keep the hair moisturized and decrease frizz in the dry air condition. 


Type 3B is a pattern of curly hair with elasticity and roughness which tends to become dry. Moisturizing hair products fit for this type of curly hair because it can help absorb the water into the hair.  You can also select the styling gel which can help lock the water in the hair and decrease frizz. 


Type 3C is a pattern like corkscrew curls which is clustered tightly in natural volume. The hair can be affected by humidity and frizzes very fast.  Applying a sulfate-free hair cleaning product and spraying the mousse and hair creams on the damp hair can help curls act together to get tender, healthier and more natural curl pattern. 

Type 4


Type 4A is a pattern of wavy hair with elastic coils and tightly clustered which need regular care to maintain the coil shape. Applying a wavy cream and a leave-in conditioner into the hair can help absorb water fully and grow healthier. For that the hair can be shaped in different styles easier. When choosing a scalp massager to detox the scalp and reduce buildup, look for one designed for type 4 curls. When you take a scalp massage for relaxing then you’d better pick a set of massage service specified for the type 4A.


Type 4B is a pattern of wavy hair with Z-shaped angles. This type of hair seriously lacks of water, so it’s recommended to apply the non-irritating cleaning hair products and hydrate spray and rinse-off conditioners for fully absorption of the water in the hair.


Type 4C is also a pattern of wavy hair with Z-shaped angles but it tends to become dry easier than type 4B. As for that, you need to keep your hair far away from the sulfate products which can do harm to your hair. Natural oils including argan, shea butter, and coconut oil should be opted for this type of hair with its gentleness and excellent moisture retention.