Experience the Ultimate in Hair Extensions with Cuticle Hair: Unmatched Quality and Durability
1. Cuticle Hair Extensions
Generally, we hope to buy hair extensions at high quality and fair price. Therefore, it’s necessary to confirm that you’re buying products from a reliable and reputable seller which can assure good quality.
The price of non-cuticle hair is so low that it can’t be used as long as genuine hair. While cuticle human hair extensions have a long life span up to 2 years under appropriate treatment and care. Non-cuticle extensions can’t stand huge attacks due to their complicated working procedure while cuticle hair extensions can be dyed, molded, heated.
2. Cuticle Hair
Some people may confuse cuticle hair with Remy or virgin hair. Actually, cuticle hair is human hair sourced from individuals with beautiful and healthy hair.
Cuticle hair extensions are the best hair extensions product on the market. They are natural and intact with premium quality. COOVIP’s extensions are totally cuticle hair sourced from one single person with high quality and reasonable price.
3. Non-Cuticle Hair
Non-cuticle hair is also known as non-Remy hair which has gone through chemical treatment. Most of human hair product
The cuticles of non-Remy hair extensions have been removed after chemical processing. In this case, there’re no cuticles any more on the hair extensions. Using silicone sealers and fillers adds a smooth finish and brightness to the hair, but it’s just a temporary method. After applying the shampoo and heat styling, the sealer would fall off from the hair, leaving the hair exposed with its unnaturally rough and dry texture.
4. How Long Can COOVIP’s Hair Be Used?
COOVIP’s hair is made of the raw hair material from each individual and already cleaned up. The chemical or silicon material can’t be added during the processing of hair extensions. Therefore, COOVIP’s hair can stand for long use.
COOVIP Cuticle Hair has been under processed yet not yield to perform its best function as other cuticle extensions do. The total hair strand can remain tangle-free and its original shine. Besides the extensions can be dyed.
The wefts of hand-woven and tape-in extensions products are all made by artistic techniques, making the hair pieces placed flexibly and combined perfectly with your own locks. In that way your hair style looks plumped and long. Instead of achieving obviously fake hair extensions, the elaborately arranged hairpieces plump up the natural hair and make it look charming and more voluminous on the whole.
5. The way to maintain the cuticle hair extensions
To maintain your hair extensions well, you need to brush, moisturize and use natural products at regular times. When your extensions get a bit detangled at the ends then your hair will look separated for which your extensions become more unruly obviously.
a. Comb:
Brush your hair two to three times each day before washing or damping. Apply a soft bristle brush for your hair for better detangling your hair without damage. Hold the ends of your hair with one hand meanwhile combing the hair downwards with the other. Brush carefully, especially to the position of bonds.
b. Clean:
During washing, scrub the hair gently with shampoo, then clean up and detangle the hair extensions. You don’t need to relieve the bond when washing.
As your natural hair grows longer, your hair extensions will become looser so that you need to seek maintenance every few months.
- Select premium and high-quality hair care products. Don’t use salty or chlorinated water as they can damage your hair extensions like damage on your hair.
- If your hair extensions get dry try smearing oils or spray from the mid lower. The leave-in conditioners and hydrating oils are especially useful for hair extensions.
- Dry your hair. Damped hair can lead to unexpected problems like breeding fungal. If your hair is thick, it’s better to separate it into parts and assure you to clean it up completely. After your hair extensions are completely dry, tie it in a loose ponytail.
- Avoid cleaning your hair too often. It’s suggested that the hair is washed at proper intervals. Apply dry shampoo to take in the grease with which your hair smells fresh.
c. Regular Treatment
- Maintain the cuticle hair extensions in the same way as what you do to your hair. To assure the long-life span of the hair, it’s necessary to wash and moisturize and detangle your hair extensions at regular time.
- Don’t wear hair extensions for too long as it could do harm to your hair. We advise you to move up the hand-tied and tape-in hair every 6 weeks.
- Don’t apply oils on the root or tape. Oil can damage the adhesiveness of the extension tape. And that is what you want to happen when you are ready to remove your extensions.
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